Clarification of LähiTapiola’s brand – The alliance of data-driven strategy and human understanding
LähiTapiola is one of Finland’s leading companies in the financial sector owned by its customers. They offer insurance as well as savings and investment services. In order for the company’s customer ownership to materialize, its brand must be recognisable in the correct way and appealing to new customers. This cannot be achieved without data-driven management and customer-oriented development based on it.

A Solid Foundation for the Future of LähiTapiola
Data-driven management is an important cornerstone for LähiTapiola in all business planning. Thus, it was desired to base the brand development work on genuine human understanding and researched information about the values and appreciations of the target groups: which approaches to the brand are perceived as interesting and in which direction the brand should be clarified so that it stands out and appeals to the target group in a meaningful way. To support this decision-making process, a comprehensive research project was carried out together with Dagmar.
We see it as very important at LähiTapiola that the brand work is based on the needs of the customers, as the customer’s perception and experience of us ultimately determines whether we succeed in our goals. Our company has three broad business areas and we operate in the form of several product companies, which is why it is particularly important to build a holistic and customer-understandable brand. Only by developing a strong brand that appeals to customers in a relevant way can we break away from the bulk image and thus pure price competition.Juho-Ville Matveinen, Leading Expert in Customer Understanding at LähiTapiola
Juho-Ville Matveinen, Leading Expert in Customer Understanding at LähiTapiolaHolistic Understanding Through a Multi-Step Research Process
The team of experts from LähiTapiola, Dagmar and creative agency Bob the Robot worked closely together in creating decisions, insights and implementation options. Dagmar designed and implemented a comprehensive research process, which proceeded on an understand-measure principle. All key target groups for LähiTapiola were taken into account, from consumers to business decision-makers, including.
The stages of the research process:
- Creating understanding from different perspectives and the competitive field: qualitative research.
- Quantification of the approaches identified in the previous stage, how interesting they are perceived: quantitative research, max diff method.
- Creating different brand ideas based on the previous stages: Bob the Robot.
- Testing brand ideas: quantitative and qualitative research.
- Insurance company brand personalities: quantitative research using Dagmar’s model.
- Linking LähiTapiola’s strategy to understanding.
FINAL RESULT: A distinctive, interesting and appealing approach to the brand derived from human understanding and LähiTapiola’s strategic goals
At the beginning of the work, we recognised that we needed a company-wide discussion about the brand, an understanding of what parts of our brand need clarification, and common practices for brand management. The results of the work done with Dagmar and Bob the Robot have been used very extensively not only from a marketing perspective in guiding advertising, but also in managing different business functions and supporting decision-making. The work has been important for our company. Dagmar’s seamless, trustworthy, fast and high quality cooperation deserves a special thank you.
Sanna Myller, Director of Customer Marketing and PersonalImmediate Implementation
Data-driven, customer-oriented brand development work proved and also made visible people’s real feelings and needs. LähiTapiola can now focus on meaningful approaches in its messages and actions.
The guidelines created in the process were immediately implemented and first rolled out in advertising planning. In the future, they will serve as a cornerstone in all business and customer experience management.
This work also resulted in a new slogan for LähiTapiola: Samalla puolella which translates as On the Same Side.