Cases 20.09.2024

Clarifying content concepts and refining processes took Finavia’s social media content to new heights

Marketing development Creative content Digital marketing Marketing communications Brand Creative content Social media

Finavia’s customer promise is For smooth travelling. This promise also guides the social media content package, which is produced and analysed in cooperation with Dagmar. Diverse, multi-channel and fast-paced content works silo-free and efficiently. Content marketing is managed with a strong grip. Goals, processes and responsibilities are clear to everyone.

Finavia and Dagmar have collaborated in media planning and search engine discoverability for years. At the beginning of 2023, the partnership expanded to the planning, production and management of continuous social media activities. Dagmar’s team is also responsible for ensuring that the whole is profitable in terms of both organic and advertised content.

“Cooperation with Dagmar’s professionals is smooth. We proactively receive suggestions from them about social media opportunities and content packages.
It has been great to see how enthusiastically and wholeheartedly the content team has thrown themselves into doing things together.”

Sanna Berndtson, Marketing Manager, Finavia

Good groundwork ensures smooth implementation and goal-oriented cooperation

The collaboration started by creating content concepts in line with brand behaviour. They are based on Finavia’s main messages, channel strategy and target group understanding.

By developing content management processes, the multi-factor puzzle was made to work in an agile and transparent manner. The social media entity is now run in a shared digital content calendar, where all content providers update information about content entering different markets. Communication takes place on a single platform, which clarifies and increases transparency between different parties.

Social media organic results and advertising impacts are monitored from one real-time dashboard in Dagmar’s Datacron™. The results of the content can be seen in real time from all channels. Data is used to learn from the past together and to continuously develop and test the functionality of content.

“When there are many people running the EVERYDAY content package, it is VERY important that the tools are in order, the process is clear and the roles and responsibilities are clarified.
Cooperation works when you know how to manage the whole – and Finavia’s team does this in an exemplary manner!”

Paula Wickström, Project Manager, Dagmar

A lively airport company communicates diverse content

Finavia’s content concepts are clearly recognizable, but also flexible enough for very fast, reactive work. This is important in an airport environment where situations are constantly changing. The team adapts silolessly to changes – the airport company’s social media channels keep up with the times and offer genuinely value-adding content to target groups.

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