Corporate culture refers to a company’s values, beliefs, practices and norms that govern its actions and employee behavior. It forms the social and psychological environment of the company and influences how employees relate to their work and each other, as well as how they make decisions and solve problems.
Yrityksen kulttuurilla ja brändillä on paljon yhteistä keskenään. Brändi on sitä, miten ihmiset puhuvat yrityksestä silloin, kun yritys ei itse ole sitä kuulemassa. Kulttuuri puolestaan edustaa kaikkea sitä, mitä työpaikalla tapahtuu, kun kukaan ei ole näkemässä.
A good company culture can improve employee satisfaction, motivation and performance, foster collaboration and innovation, and strengthen a company’s reputation. A bad corporate culture, on the other hand, can lead to, for example, employee demotivation, conflicts, high employee turnover or image damage. Developing and maintaining a corporate culture requires continuous work and commitment from the company’s management.
Corporate culture can manifest itself in a variety of ways, including:
- Company values: What does the company consider important? For example, honesty, innovation, customer orientation or cooperation can be company values.
- Norms of behavior: How are employees expected to behave? How do they react to mistakes, conflicts, feedback or changes, for example?
- Management style: How does management manage the company and employees? For example, is leadership authoritarian, democratic or participatory?
- Atmosphere: What is the atmosphere like in the working environment? For example, is it supportive, competitive, relaxed or tense?
- Company rituals and traditions: What common customs, celebrations, gatherings or other rituals are there in the company?
Dagmar culture
Dagmar has been successfully operating for 50 years. A key part of success is our culture, which helps all Dagu employees to be bold, visionary, inspiring and responsible together with colleagues and customers.
Our services for developing corporate culture include:
- Operating environment management consulting
- Development of operating models
- Creating a customer-centric organization
- Process X-ray and development
- Participatory facilitations for different encounters
- Futures thinking motivates the entire organization
- Culture book for the whole organisation